Singular takes a new and innovative approach to workforce solutions for companies operating within the energy, process and infrastructure sectors. The Singular approach uses the three pillars of expertise, technology and partnership to improve business efficiency, workforce performance and cost reduction outcomes.

Skills alone are not enough in today’s world and it is the combination of functional knowledge and industry experience that we categorize as expertise that makes the Singular difference. The Singular team consists of people who have committed their careers to delivering technical staffing solutions across a variety of industries and locations, both internally and externally. We have seen what has worked well and what has not many times over, and it is this diversity of experience and approach that enables Singular to make recommendations in a unique, informed way.

Increasing business complexity is one of the key changes that initiated the Singular concept and at the centre of our three pillars is technology. As data becomes increasingly valuable in decision making and continuous improvement, the right technology solution becomes critical for any organization. The Singular approach to technology is different from several of our competitors in that we are technology neutral. This means that rather than our clients having to adjust to fit one platform, Singular undertakes a technology audit in line with the client’s business objectives and current processes to recommend the three options that are most suitable.

At Singular, we believe the days of “set and forget” contracts have gone. Collaboration is becoming more and more valuable within workforce solutions and we continually value the input of all stakeholders. Not only do we work closely with client contacts across multiple business and project functions, we also strategically partner with technology and recruitment organizations through the value chain to ensure that the best ideas are being captured and shared.
Doing business is getting tougher. Margins are being continuously squeezed and incremental cost savings are becoming less accessible. Singular takes a more holistic approach to workforce solutions to focus on three key value adds – business efficiency primarily through recruitment process optimization, the performance of the workforce and a total cost of ownership.

No matter whether you are a major multinational or a small business, time is money. The more efficient you are in delivering your workforce solutions, the more time you have available to focus on matters that will add value to the business. Singular’s three pillars work together to prioritise gains in key efficiency metrics such as candidates submitted per interview, interview to successful start, percentage of accurate invoices received and time per hire, as well as many more depending upon the nature of the business or project.

In the future, the most powerful organizations will be those made up of a blend of high performing permanent staff, contractors and freelancers. Singular gives the possibility of visualizing this entire workforce in real time which presents significant performance improvement opportunities through a smarter approach to resource and operational planning. It also offers the opportunity to develop an associate workforce where resources are more aligned with the business or project needs, increasing cost alignment and reducing risk.

We have lost count of the times we have witnessed a false recruitment price involved in the delivery of a workforce solution. Whether a permanent, contract or freelance hire, Singular utilizes analytics to initially capture the total cost involved at a granular level by function or project, and then reduce initially by achieving consistency against current best practice (quick win) and then year on year through improved process and partner selection. All of our data is industry specific, ensuring accurate and continuous benchmarking against your competitors.